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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) | KTU (2019 Batch)

The duration of the B.Tech. Program shall be 4 years (8 semesters).

The Maximum duration of the B.Tech. Program shall be 6 years (12 semesters). You might not get certificate if you didn't Complete B.Tech program in 6 Years.

2 Semesters Per Year

Odd Sem : 1st July to 31st December

Even Sem : 1st January to 30th

Will be based on an Academic Calendar

Semester Duration: Each semester should have 72 Days

Division Credit
Course Credits 160
Activity Points
Total 162

L - T - P Credit
1 Hr. Lecture (L) per week 1
1 Hr. Tutorial (T) per week 1
1 to 2 Hours Practical(P) per week 1
3 to 4 Hours Practical(P) per week 2

Semester Based Divison

Semester S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 Total
Credit 17 21 22 22 23 23 15 17 160
Activity Points
100 100
(2 Credits)
Activity Points
(Lateral Entry)
0 75 75
(2 Credits)

Category Division: View Category Based divison here

Minimum Credits (Per Semester) :- 15

Maximum Credits (Per Semester) :- 25

Note: No semester shall have more than six lecture-based courses and two laboratory and/or drawing / seminar / project courses in the curriculum.

The medium of instruction shall be English. All examinations, project/seminar reports and presentations shall be in English.

No, College is not allowed to with-held students certificates. On request by the student college has to give certificates to the students

No, A student who does not register for all the courses listed in the curriculum for a semester shall not be eligible to enroll for the next higher semester.

Total Credits (allowed) = Credits allotted in a Semester + 8 Credit courses

This will impose course repeat registration limits.

B.Tech certificate will be issues only if the following conditions are satisfied

  • The Program should be completed within 6 years.
  • No pending disciplinary action
  • Earned the required minimum credits as specified in the curriculum for the branch of study (160 + 2 Credits)

  • The diagram above shows the FA structure when considering a single class

    Students/Parents Shall contact corresponding Faculty Advisor/Senior Faculty Advisor for any concerns and they have to adress the same and forward or recommend the same to higher offices. Faculty Advisor/ Senior Faculty Advisor can be contacted for all kinds of advices, clarifications and permissions on academic matters.

    (i) End Semester Examinations : Examinations Conducted by the university.

  • Contact classes shall be completed at least ten days before the commencement of the End Semester Exam
  • Held Twice in Year
  • Nov/Dec : (odd semesters Exam)
    May/June : (even sem exam)

    Note: S7 & S8 will be conducted in both semesters

    (ii) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) : Internal Evaluation by corresponding faculties at college level.

    Ratio of CIE to ESE

    Type CIE : ESE
    Theory Courses 1 : 2
    Laboratory Courses 1 : 1
    Project CIE Only
    Seminar CIE Only

    The Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be on the basis of the day-to-day work, periodic tests (minimum two in a semester) and assignments (minimum two).

  • Internal Evaluation test : Minimum 2 (2 Hour Each) (50 Marks Each)
  • Assignment/Class work/Course project. : Minimum 2 Assignments
  • CIE/Internal Split-Up:

    Course Attend
    Test Assignment
    /Class work/
    Course Project
    Theory 20% 50% 30%
    20% 40% 40%

    Three days shall be utilised for conducting the internal evaluation test.

    If (Attendence>=90%) => attendance internal (20% Full)

    else If (Attendence < 90%) => attendance internal ( <20% proportionate reduction)

    Duty Leave can be added to attendance, CIE marks Should be published before 5 days before end sem exam

    If a student clears internals and becomes eligible for writing lab exams but had to miss it due to some situation, then the student will be awarded “I’ Grade. They can appear for the next attempt. If the student fails Lab exams, then their grade will be ‘F’ and will have to re attempt in the next chance.

    Yes, Continuous Internal Evaluation mark (CIE/Internal) percentage shall not exceed 30% over the End Semester Examination (ESE) mark % . Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Marks will be normalized accordingly

    For example if the end semester mark % is 40, then the maximum eligible CIE mark % is 40+30 = 70 %.)

    Project work
    project guide evaluation 3 member CIE Committee
    Final 3 member Committee
    30% 40% 30%

    Completion Time

    1/3 rd of project in S7

    2/3 rd of project in S8

    Guide Technical Content Presentation
    10% 20% 30% 40%

    The report and the presentation shall be evaluated by a team of internal members comprising three senior faculty members based on the style of presentation, technical content, adequacy of reference, depth of knowledge and overall quality of the report.

    Regular B.Tech

    S5 21 S1/S2
    S7 47 S1/S2/S3/S4

    Lateral Entry B.Tech

    S7 9 S3/S4

    The Credits mentioned above must be gained by students or wont be able to register the corresponding semesters mentioned. As a result students will lose 1 year.

    Grades are awarded based on the overall % marks (CIE + ESE)

    Grades Grade Point (GP) % of Total Marks obtained in the
    S 10 >90%
    A+ 9 85-90%
    A 8.5 80-85%
    B+ 8 75-80%
    B 7.5 70-75%
    C+ 7 65-70%
    C 6.5 60-65%
    D 6.0 55-60%
    P (Pass) 5.5 50-55%
    F (Fail) 0 Below 50% (CIE + ESE) or Below 40 % for ESE
    FE 0 Failed due to lack of eligibility criteria  (See 5)
    I 0 Could not appear for the end semester examination but fulfills the eligibility criteria

    Classification Of B.Tech Degree

    Of B.Tech
    First Class with Distinction CGPA >= 8.0
    First Class CGPA >= 6.5

    Eligibility Conditions are :

  • (i) Attendence : Minimum 75%
  • (ii) No Pending disciplinary action

  • The students with FE grade shall register for the courses during the normal semesters in which the courses are offered (ie; Odd sem subjects in Odd semester & Even Sem Subject in Even Semester)
    However, for the seventh and eighth semester FE grade students can register for the courses in the next immediate chance, if offered by their institute

    A student will fail in a subject If,

  • (i) End Semester Examination mark < 40%
  • (ii) End Semester Examination (ESE) + Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) < 50%
  • If failed in a course, student can register the exam again in the next next opportunity and earn the credits

    Equivalent percentage mark shall be = 10 * CGPA – 2.5

    No Fee Type Cost
    1 Examination Registration Fee

    500 Rs
    2 Subject Registration 200 Rs
    3 Supplementary Registration 200 Rs
    4 Revaluation Fee 600 Rs
    5 Answer Copy Request
    500 Rs
    6 Student Administration Fee
    (One Time)
    1000 Rs

    7 Review : failed after revaluation
    and have copy of Answer book
    5000 Rs

    8 Review : failed after revaluation
    and don’t have copy of Answer book
    6000 Rs

    You can pay fees through portal or via college. See in portal FAQ

    Students can get answer script by paying fee mentioned above. After obtaining answer script the student is permitted to check the answer books of the End Semester Examination after the results are declared, on payment of the prescribed fee. Any discrepancy in evaluation could be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examination, who shall initiate appropriate action as per the University Examination Manual

    When given for Revaluation, Your answer script will undergo the valuation process once again. Any grade change will be reflected. You wont be able to see your answer script if only opted for answer script copy

    The better of the 2 marks will be the final after revaluation, Dont fear of reducing marks

    If the difference in marks obtained in revaluation and the original valuation is more than 15% of the maximum marks, it shall be sent for third valuation. The final mark shall then be the average of the closer of the two marks obtained in the three valuations to the advantage of the student or the mark obtained in the original valuation whichever is higher. The Controller of Examination shall examine such cases and conduct proper enquiry to see whether any of the examiners is responsible for negligent valuation of answer script and initiate suitable action as per the University Examination Manual.

    Refund and action against examiners will be undertaken if more than 15 % change from actual awarded mark is found

    Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) are calculated as follows.

  • SGPA = Σ(Ci×GPi)/ΣCi ,
  • ‘Ci’ is the credit assigned for a course
    ‘GPi’ is the grade point for that course.

    Summation is done for all courses specified in the curriculum of that semester. The failed and incomplete courses shall also be considered in the calculation.

  • CGPA = Σ(Ci×GPi)/ΣCi ,
  • ‘Ci’ is the credit assigned for a course
    ‘GPi’ is the grade point for that course.

    Summation is done for all courses specified in the curriculum up to that semester for which the ‘CGPA’ is needed. Here the failed courses shall also be accounted.

    CGPA for the B. Tech programme is arrived at by considering all course credits that are needed for the degree and their respective grade points. For students admitted under lateral entry scheme, credits for the first and second semester courses shall not be accounted for the calculation of CGPA.

    Percentage Calculation
    Equivalent percentage mark shall be = 10 * CGPA – 2.5

    You can collect the hall ticket from your college. If lost, college may issue another hall ticket by charging a fine.

    Read About Review Paper Here

    Please try any of the below steps

  • Wait for 24 hours
  • Contact Staff Advisor / college Academic Office
  • Contact KTU Support :

  • Multiple Invalid Login Attempts leads to disabling of account.

    Please try any of the below steps

  • Click on Forgot password in the Portal Login
  • Contact Staff Advisor / college Academic Office
  • Contact KTU Support :
  • 1. Login to KTU e-Gov Platform
  • 2 . Click Students Tab --> Click View full profile
  • 3 . Click on curriculum
  • 4 . Click Semester Name (Left Folder Icon)
  • This Error Shows Up because semester grade card can be generated only if the student completes all the subjects in a semester, with no supplementary (F) or FE or I Courses

    You can view the detailed activity points guidelines here

    The Top Ten ways to earn activity points are

  • 1. Entrepreneurship and innovation (80 / 60 Points)
  • 2. Participation in NCC / NSS (60 Points)
  • 3. Sports and games (8 – 60 Points)
  • 4.Cultural activities (Up to 60 Points)
  • 5. Leadership and management: (Upto 40 Points)
  • 6.NPTEL ( Upto 50 points)
  • 7.Workshops/paper presentation (Up to 40)
  • 8. Competitions (Up to 40 Points)
  • 9. Internship ( Maximum 20 Points)
  • 10. Industrial visit (Upto 10 Points)

  • View Detailed Article Here

    20 Points are reserved for Internships

    Read More about internships in KTU Here
    Semester S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
    Activity Points
    (Lateral Entry)
    0 75
    Activity Points

    100 activity points will earn 2 credits which is mandatory for B.Tech Degree. More than 100 points also will only grant 2 credits only. Activity points and credits thus earned wont be accounted for GPA Calculation

    Yes, 100 activity points are mandatory for getting B.Tech degree. The Overal credits is 162. 160 credits from courses and 2 credits from 100 activity points. No matter, even if you earned more than 100 activity points , You will get only 2 credits for that and wont be accounted for GPA Calculation.

    No student shall be permitted, under any circumstances, to change the branch/stream to which he/she is admitted by the competent authority for admission.

  • Only Applicable to Regular B.Tech
  • Only before 3rd Semester

  • The following Category of students shall not be eligible for inter college transfer
    1. Govt. of India Nominee.
    2. Management Quota in Aided colleges.
    3. Management Quota in private Self Financing Colleges
    4. Students admitted under NRI/PIO quota.
    5. Lateral Entry students.
    6. Students admitted under TFW Scheme.
    7. Students admitted in any supernumerary seats.
    8. Any other category which are ineligible as per the conditions for admission prescribed by Govt. of Kerala/Govt. of India.

  • The transfer shall be permitted:
  • 1. Between Govt/ Govt. Aided Colleges.
    2. Between Self – Financing Colleges. (Including Govt. Controlled SFC).

  • University will issue notification before Commencing 3rd Semester
  • academic eligibility should be fullfilled and KEAM Rank will be taken in account to rank multiple applicants
  • Payment of 3000 Rs for student requested transfer (Except SC/ST students)

  • College Transfer Form

    Migration from other university to KTU university is permitted only if the other university signed an agreement/ MoU with KTU.

  • The migration shall be permitted only up to the fifth semester of the B. Tech program and half the duration of the program in the case of other programs.
  • The admission shall be offered on migration basis through lateral transfer of credits. Lateral credit transfer shall be as recommended by the concerned Board of Studies
  • The application processing fee :- Rs 5000/-
    Migration fees : 20,000 Rs/-

  • College Transfer Form

    B.Tech Minor allows the students to earn an additional 20 credits and B.Tech Degree with Minors will be issued.

    Out of the 20 Credits,

    12 credits :- min 3 courses, during the specified period. The total number of contact hours for these three courses shall be 126 Hrs (42Hrs/course). The duration of a course shall be minimum 14 weeks.

    8 credits :- 2 MOOCs recommended by the Board of studies and approved by the Academic Council.

    Registration for minor shall be along with the registration of the 3rd semester.

    If a student fails in any course of the minor, he/she shall not be eligible to continue the B.Tech Minor. However, the additional credits and grades thus far earned by the student shall be included in the grade card but shall not be considered in calculating the CGPA.

    Read More About Minors

    All B.Tech Students will be able to register for B.Tech Honours. However Overall GPA/CGPA after 8th Semester should be 8.5 or higher. Else B.Tech Honours wont be awarded

    The students can earn additional 20 credits to be eligible for the award of B. Tech (Honours) Degree.

    Out of the 20 Credits,

    12 credits :- min 3 specified B. Tech (Honours) Elective courses of the respective stream. Credits for the B. Tech (Honours) Elective courses are deemed to be earned only on getting at least a grade ‘C’ or better in the composite evaluation. A student shall not be permitted to select the normal elective courses of the respective B. Tech programs for attaining the credit requirements of B. Tech (Honours).

    8 credits :- two MOOCs of the respective streams recommended by the Board of studies and approved by the Academic Council.

  • B. Tech (Honours) Degree shall be issued by the University to the students who fulfill all the academic eligibility requirements for the B. Tech and B. Tech (Honours) programs.
  • Grace Marks can be awarded in 2 cases,

  • Sports /Arts Competitions
  • Persons With Disability (PWD)

  • Sports /Arts Competitions

    Grace Marks can be awarded for representing the University in officially sponsored national level competitions/ championships/ tournaments

  • The maximum grace marks that can be awarded to a candidate in a particular semester for all activities put together shall be 5% of the aggregate maximum End Semester Examination marks of all theory courses for which the University conducts End Semester Examinations.
  • The maximum grace marks that can be awarded to a student for a theory course in a particular semester for all activities put together shall not exceed 10% of the maximum aggregate marks of End Semester Examination of the course.
  • Grace Marks Can be awarded to theory papers/courses/subjects in a semester. No Grace Marks For Practical/ Lab/ Viva Voce/ internal assessment/ Seminar etc
  • Eligible Grace Marks shall be distributed equally on all theory papers/courses of an examination. However, re – distribution of Grace Marks shall be allowed only in the case of those courses of an examination for which the candidate has passed. Redistribution is possible from passed courses to failed courses only. Re-distribution of Grace Marks is not permissible from failed courses to other courses for a pass
  • Re- distribution shall be done only for enabling a candidate to obtain the minimum marks required for a pass. If the candidate does not secure the minimum marks required for a pass even after effecting re- distribution, eligible moderation fixed by the respective board if any, shall be awarded to that candidate in addition to the Grace Marks for a pass
  • Grace Marks shall not be re – distributed from one semester to another semester
  • Eligible Grace Marks shall be awarded for the regular examination of the performing semester only. Grace Marks shall not be awarded for supplementary examinations.

  • Persons With Disability (PWD)

  • Applicable to a person suffering from not less than 40% of any disability as certified by the District Medical Board.
  • The Grace Marks that can be awarded for PWD candidates shall be 25% of the marks scored by the candidate in each course at the time of finalization of the results.
  • PWD candidates who are eligible for Grace Marks shall be awarded Grace Marks for regular and supplementary chances until they pass the whole examination.
  • Transfer of marks from one paper to another shall not be permitted. Fractions of marks if any, while computing the Grace Marks shall be rounded off to the next higher integer
  • Ask Your Questions and Get it answered in FAQ

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    | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 |,3,1,3,1st year,1,2,79,2015 batch,347,2015 scheme,1,2017,1,2018,2,2018 timetable,1,2019,1,2019 batch,196,2019 scheme,232,2nd year,5,3,80,3rd year,8,4,80,4th year,12,absent,1,academic council,1,academics,1,activity,1,activity point,3,Adhoc And Wireless Sensor Networks,1,admit card,1,admitcard,1,Advanced Communication Systems,1,Advanced Computational Methods,1,Advanced Computational Techniques and Optimization,1,Advanced Concrete Technology,2,Advanced Control Theory,2,Advanced Energy Engineering,2,ADVANCED FOUNDATION ENGINEERING,1,Advanced Manufacturing Engineering,1,Advanced Manufacturing Technology,1,Advanced Mechanics Of Solids (ME),1,Advanced Metal Joining Technology,1,ae202,2,ae204,1,ae301,1,ae302,2,ae303,2,ae304,2,ae305,2,ae306,1,ae307,2,ae308,1,ae312,2,ae332,1,ae334,1,ae341ae331,1,ae352,1,ae36,1,AE365,1,ae401,2,ae402,1,ae403,2,ae405,2,ae407,2,ae409,2,ae410,1,ae431,1,ae451,1,ae46,1,ae492,1,aei,3,Aerodynamics I,1,Aerodynamics II,1,Aeronautical Engineering,9,Aerospace Engineering,1,AET302,1,AET305,1,AET423,1,Air Quality Management,1,Aircraft Basics & Controls,1,Aircraft General Engineering & Maintenance Practices,1,Aircraft Materials & Processes,1,Aircraft Structures - II,1,Aircraft Structures I,1,Aircraft Systems & Instruments,1,Airport,1,Airquality Management,1,Algorithm Analysis and Design (IT),1,Analog And Digital Communication,1,Analog Circuits,1,Analog Communication Engineering (EC),1,Analog Electronic Circuits (EE),1,Analog Electronics,1,Analog Integrated Circuits (AE,1,Analytical & Diagnostic Equipments,1,announcement,2054,answer script,1,Antenna & Wave Propagation,1,AO201,1,AO202,1,AO204,1,AO206,1,AO208,1,AO301,1,AO302,1,AO303,1,AO304,1,AO305,1,AO306,1,AO307,1,AO309,1,AO352,1,AO362,1,AO401,1,AO403,1,AO404,1,AO405,1,AO407,1,AO409,1,AO465,1,AOT401,1,APJAKTU - IEEE Kerala Section Webinar on Accreditation and Quality of Engineering Education,1,APJAKTU congratulates students who won CODE19,1,APJAKTU Emergency Ventilator Challenge - entries selected for consolation prize,1,Applied Electromagnetic Theory,1,Applied Electronics & Instrumentation,1,Applied Electronics and Instrumentation,10,Artificial Intelligence,1,Artificial Neural Networks & Applications,1,AU205,1,AU301,1,AU303,1,AU305,1,AU309,1,AU402,1,AUT305,1,Auto Power Plant,1,AUTO TRANSMISSION,1,Automobile Engineering,10,AUTOMOTIVE CHASSIS,1,Avionics & Control Systems,1,,1,Basic Anatomy & Physiology For Biomedical Engineers,1,Basics Of Civil & Mechanical Engineering,2,Basics Of Civil Engineering,2,Basics Of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,2,Basics Of Electrical Engineering,2,Basics of Electronics Engineering,2,Basics Of Instrumentation Engineering & Transducer,1,Basics of Mechanical Engineering,1,Basics Of Robotics,1,bce,1,be,2,BE 100,1,BE 102,1,BE 103,1,BE 110,1,BE100,4,BE101-01,2,BE101-02,2,BE101-03,2,BE101-04,1,BE101-05,4,BE101-06,1,BE102,2,BE103,4,BE110,4,bee,1,bee.ee100,1,Bio Informatics,1,biomedical,3,Biomedical Engineering,11,Biomedical Instrumentation,3,Biomedical Signal Processing,1,Biomedical Signals & Transducers,1,Bioreactor Control And Instrumentation,1,biotechnology,3,Biotechnology Engineering,9,bm,3,bm201,1,bm202,1,bm203,1,bm204,1,bm206,1,bm207,1,bm231,1,bm232.ic233,1,bm234,1,bm301,1,bm302,1,bm303,1,bm304,1,bm305,1,bm306,1,bm307,1,bm308,1,bm312,1,bm341,1,bm401,1,bm402,1,bm403,1,bm404,1,bm405,1,bm407,1,bm409,1,bme,1,BMT201,1,BMT204,1,BMT303,1,Bridge Engineering,1,bt,2,bt201,2,bt202,1,bt203,2,bt204,1,bt205,1,bt206,1,bt207,1,bt208,1,bt231,1,bt232,1,bt233,1,bt234,1,bt301,1,bt302,1,bt303,1,bt304,1,bt305,1,bt306,1,bt307,1,bt308,1,bt309,1,bt331,1,bt332,1,bt333,1,bt334,1,bt341,1,bt352,1,bt36,1,bt401,1,bt402,1,bt403,1,bt404,1,bt405,1,bt407,1,bt409,1,bt431,1,bt451,1,bt46,1,bt47,1,bt492,1,btech,2,BTT203,1,BTT204,2,BTT205,1,BTT306,1,Bulding Services,1,Business Economics,2,c302,1,calculus,2,cat,1,CE 100,1,CE100,4,ce201,2,ce202,2,CE203,2,CE204,2,ce205,2,ce206,2,ce207,2,ce208,2,ce230,1,ce231,1,CE232,1,ce233,1,CE234,1,ce301,2,CE302,1,ce303,2,ce304,2,ce305,2,ce306,2,ce307,2,ce308,2,ce309,2,ce331,1,ce332,1,ce333,1,ce334,1,ce341,1,ce352,2,CE361,1,CE362,1,CE363,1,CE364,1,CE365,1,CE366,1,CE368,1,ce36x,1,CE371,1,CE374,1,ce37x,1,ce401,2,ce402,2,ce403,2,ce404,2,ce405,2,ce407,2,ce409,2,ce431,1,ce451,1,CE462,1,CE463,1,CE464,1,CE465,1,CE466,1,CE467,1,CE468,1,CE469,1,ce46x,1,CE472,1,CE473,1,CE474,1,ce47x,1,CE482,1,ce492,1,certificate,2,CET201,1,CET202,1,CET203,1,CET204,1,CET205,1,CET206,1,CET301,1,CET303,1,CET304,1,CET305,1,CET306,1,CET307,1,CET309,1,CET312,1,CET332,1,CET352,1,CET372,1,CET396,1,CET402,1,CET438,1,CET445,1,CET458,1,CET464,1,CET468,1,CET476,1,cgpa,2,cgpa calculation,1,CH201,1,CH202,1,CH204,1,CH205,1,CH206,1,CH207,1,CH208,1,CH305,1,CH307,1,CH308,1,CH363,1,CH401,1,CH405,1,CH409,1,Chemical Engineering,9,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN II,1,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS (CH),1,CHEMICAL PROCESS CALCULATIONS,1,CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING - I,1,CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING-II,1,chemistry,1,Chemistry For Process Engineering,1,CHEMISTRY FOR PROCESS ENGINEERING II (CH),1,CHEMISTRY FOR PROCESS ENGINEERING-I,1,CHT201,1,CHT204,1,CHT205,1,CHT303,1,Circuits And Networks,1,Circuits and Networks (EE),1,civil,3,Civil & Mechanical Workshop,1,civil engineering,15,Civil Engineering Project Management,1,class notes,26,Client Server Architecture,1,Climate Change & Sustainability,1,Cloud Computing,1,college,1,Compiler Design,2,Composite Materials,1,COMPOSITE MATERIALS AND MECHANICS,1,Comprehensive Exam,7,Compressible Fluid Flow,1,Computational Complexity,1,Computational Fluid Dynamics,2,Computer Aided Design and Analysis,1,Computer Architecture And Embedded Systems,1,Computer Architecture And Microcontrollers,4,Computer Communication,1,Computer Graphics,1,Computer Graphics & Multimedia,1,Computer Networks,4,Computer Organisation (EC),1,Computer Organisation And Architecture,2,Computer Organization and Architecture,1,Computer Programming,2,COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (AE),1,Computer Programming (EE),1,Computer Programming & Numerical Methods,1,Computer Programming and Computational Techniques,1,COMPUTER PROGRAMMING IN C++,1,computer science,6,computer science engineering,10,Computer System Architecture,1,Computer Vision,1,CONCEPTS IN BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING,1,Concepts In Machine Learning,1,Concepts In Software Engineering,1,confidential,1,confidential certificate,1,Constitution Of India,1,Construction Technology,1,Construction Technology & Management,1,contact course,2,contest,1,Control Systems,2,corona,2,course back,3,course repeat,3,Covid Cell-Activity Report ( as on 21-04-2020 ),1,cp,1,credit,2,credit requirements,1,credit system,1,credits,1,Cryogenic Engineering,1,Cryptography & Cyber Security,1,Cryptography and Network Security,1,cs 100,1,cs 201,1,cs 205,1,CS 207,1,cs100,3,cs201,3,cs202,2,cs203,3,cs204,2,cs205,3,cs206,3,CS207,3,cs208,3,cs301,2,cs302,2,cs303,2,cs304,2,cs305,1,cs306,2,cs307,2,cs308,2,cs309,2,cs331,1,cs333,1,cs341,1,CS352,1,CS361,1,CS362,1,CS364,1,CS366,1,CS367,1,CS368,1,cs401,2,cs402,2,cs403,2,cs404,2,cs405,2,cs407,2,cs409,2,cs431,1,cs451,1,CS463,1,CS464,1,CS465,1,CS466,1,CS467,1,CS468,1,CS469,1,CS472,1,CS492,1,cse,2,CSL201,1,CSL203,1,CST201,1,CST202,2,CST203,1,CST204,1,CST205,1,CST206,1,CST281,1,CST283,1,CST285,1,CST286,1,CST301,1,CST302,1,CST303,1,CST305,1,CST322,1,CST381,1,CST383,1,CST402,1,CST413,1,CST414,1,CST426,1,CST446,1,CST458,1,CST466,1,CST497,1,curriculum,2,CY 100,1,CY100,4,Cyber Forensics,1,Cyber Security,1,CYT100,2,Data Analytics,3,Data Communication,2,Data Communication (IT),1,Data Compression Techniques,1,Data Mining,1,Data Mining and Ware Housing,1,Data Science,2,Data Structure,1,data structures,2,Data Structures Lab,1,DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING,1,Database Management Systems,1,DC Machines And Transformers,2,dcs,1,de,1,dec 2017,1,Deep Learning,1,degree certificate,1,Design & Engineering,1,Design and Analysis of Algorithms,1,Design and engineering,2,Design Of Biomedical Devices,1,Design Of Concrete Structures,1,Design of Concrete Structures I,1,Design of Concrete Structures II,1,Design of Hydraulic Structures,2,Design of Machine Elements I,1,Design of Machine Elements-II,1,Design of Steel Structures,1,Differential Equations,2,Differential Equations And Transforms,1,Digital Communication,1,DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM,1,Digital Electronics,1,Digital Electronics And Logic Design (EE),1,Digital Image Processing,2,Digital Signal Processing,4,Digital System Design,3,Digital System Design (IT),1,Disaster Management,2,Discrete Computational Structures,2,Discrete Mathematical Structures,1,Distributed Computing,2,Distributed generation and smart grids,1,Distributed Systems,1,download,25,ds,1,Dynamics of Machinery,1,Dynamics Of Machinery & Machine Design,1,earn activity point,1,Earth Dams And Earth Retaining Structures,1,EBT202,1,EBT204,1,EBT206,1,EBT301,1,EBT302,1,EBT303,1,EBT304,1,EBT305,1,EBT306,1,EBT342,1,ec,3,EC 100,1,EC),3,EC100,4,EC201,3,EC202,2,ec203,3,EC204,3,ec205,3,ec206,2,ec207,3,ec208,2,ec223,1,ec230,1,ec231,1,ec232,1,ec301,2,ec302,2,ec303,2,ec304,2,ec305,2,ec306,2,ec307,2,ec308,3,ec312,2,ec332,1,ec333,1,ec334,1,ec335,1,ec341,1,ec352,2,EC360,1,EC361,1,EC365,1,EC366,1,EC368,1,EC370,1,ec401,2,ec402,2,ec403,2,ec404,2,ec405,2,ec407,2,ec409,2,ec431,1,ec451,1,EC461,1,EC462,1,EC464,1,EC465,1,EC466,1,EC467,1,EC468,1,EC469,1,ec492,1,ece,1,ECL204,1,ECT201,1,ECT202,1,ECT203,1,ECT204,1,ECT205,1,ECT206,4,ECT281,1,ECT301,1,ECT302,1,ECT303,1,ECT305,1,ECT306,1,ECT307,1,ECT342,1,ECT401,1,ECT414,1,ECT474,1,EDC,1,ee 100,1,ee100,3,ee201,2,ee202,2,ee203,2,ee204,2,ee205,2,ee206,2,ee207,2,ee208,2,ee216,2,ee231,1,ee232,1,ee233,1,ee234,1,ee301,2,EE302,1,ee302.ee304,1,ee303,2,EE304,1,ee305,2,ee306,2,ee307,2,ee308,2,ee309,2,ee311,2,ee331,1,ee332,1,ee333,1,ee334,1,ee335,1,ee337,1,ee341,1,ee352,2,EE363,1,EE364,1,EE365,1,EE366,1,EE367,1,EE368,1,EE369,1,EE372,1,ee401,2,ee402,2,ee403,2,EE404,1,ee405,2,ee406,1,ee407,2,ee409,2,ee431,1,ee451,1,EE465,1,EE468,1,EE469,1,EE472,1,EE474,1,ee492,1,eee,4,EET201,1,EET202,1,EET203,1,EET204,1,EET205,1,EET206,1,EET292,1,EET301,1,EET302,1,EET303,1,EET304,1,EET305,1,EET306,1,EET307,1,EET312,1,EET402,1,EET413,1,EET426,1,EET444,1,elective,3,elective 5,1,Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,1,Electric Drives,2,electrical,1,Electrical & Electronic Instrumentation,1,Electrical & Electronics,2,electrical and electronics,5,Electrical And Electronics Engineering,9,Electrical Drives & Control for Automation,1,ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (AE),1,Electrical Machine Design,2,ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS,1,Electrical system design,1,Electrical System Design And Estimation,1,Electromagnetic Theory,1,Electromagnetics,2,Electronic Circuits,1,Electronic Circuits (AE,1,Electronic communication,1,Electronic Devices And Circuits,1,electronics,2,Electronics & Communication,3,Electronics And Biomedical Engineering,9,electronics and communication,4,Electronics And Communication Engineering,9,Electronics Devices & Circuits,2,embedded,1,embedded system,1,Embedded Systems,4,end semester marks,2,Energy Management and Auditing,1,engineering,1,engineering chemistry,4,engineering geology,2,Engineering Graphics,4,Engineering Mechanics,4,engineering physics,2,Engineering Physics A,2,Engineering Physics B,2,Engineering Thermodynamics,1,Entrepreneurship,1,Environment and Pollution,1,Environmental Engineering,2,ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING – II,1,Environmental Engineering- I,1,Environmental Impact Assessment,2,ESL120,1,EST100,2,EST102,1,EST110,2,EST120,2,EST130,2,EST200,1,exam,2,exam timetable,1,Experimental Stress Analysis,1,EXTENSION OF DATES FOR THE ONLINE SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR GRANTING AFFILIATION/ EXTENSION OF AFFILIATION FOR THE AY 2020-21,1,failed eligibility,3,failed lab,1,faq,17,fe,5,fe grade,1,fees,1,file,25,final marks,1,financial help,1,Finite Element Methods,2,First Year,3,First Year Solved Question Papers,1,Flight Mechanics,1,Fluid And Particle Mechanics,1,FLUID AND PARTICLE MECHANICS II (CH),1,FLUID AND PARTICLE MECHANICS-I,1,FLUID FLOW AND PARTICLE TECHNOLOGY,2,Fluid Machinery,1,Fluid Machinery (ME),1,Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics,1,Fluid Mechanics & Machinery,1,Fluid Mechanics I,1,Fluid Mechanics II,1,Fm & Hm Lab,1,FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING,1,Food Technology,9,Formal Languages And Automata Theory,1,fourth year,5,framework,1,FT,1,FT205,1,FT305,1,FUELS AND COMBUSTION,1,Functional Design of Buildings,2,fund,1,FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,1,gec thrissur,1,Geo-Environmental Engineering,1,Geomatics,1,Geotechnical Engineering - I,1,Geotechnical Engineering – II,1,Geotechnical Engineering I,1,Geotechnical Engineering II,1,Geotechnical Investigation,1,get,1,gpa,2,grace mark,1,gracemark,1,grade,2,grade calculation,1,grade card,1,grade point,2,Graph Theory,1,Graph Theory and Combinatorics,1,Ground Improvement Techniques,1,guidelines,1,hall ticket,1,hallticket,1,handbook,1,Heat & Mass Transfer,1,Heat Transfer,1,Heat Transfer Operations,1,Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning,1,high performance computing,1,High Temperature Materials,1,High Voltage Engineering,1,higher education,1,Highway Pavement Design,1,Hospital Engineering,1,how to,1,hpc,1,hs 200,1,HS 210,1,hs200,4,HS210,4,hs300,2,Human Relations Management,1,HUN101,2,HUN102,1,HUT200,1,HUT300,1,HUT310,1,Hybrid And Fuel Cell Vehicles,1,Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering,1,ic206,1,ic207,1,ice,1,icps,1,ICT201,1,ICT202,1,ICT204,1,ICT281,1,idea fund,1,idea money,1,IE306,1,ie364,1,iee,1,IEL202,1,ILLUMINATION TECHNOLOGY,1,ime,1,indirect yearback,1,Industrial & Systems Engineering,1,Industrial Aerodynamics,1,Industrial Economics And Foreign Trade,1,Industrial Engineering,10,INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION,1,Industrial Instrumentation & Automation,1,Industrial Safety Engineering,1,information technology,14,Information Theory & Coding,2,Information Theory And Coding,1,innovate,1,Instrumentation & Control Engineering,9,INSTRUMENTATION FOR AGRICULTURE,1,Integrated Circuits And Systems,1,internal,4,internal absent,1,internal calculation,1,internal reduction,1,internal regulation,1,internal splitup,1,internal under,2,Internet of Things,3,Internet Technology,1,Internet Working with TCP/IP,1,internship,1,internship rules,1,internships,1,Intro Computing Problem Solving,1,Introduction to Chemical Engineering,1,Introduction To Civil Engineering,2,Introduction To Computer Networks,1,Introduction To Computing And Problem Solving,1,Introduction To Electrical Engineering,2,Introduction To Electronics Engineering,1,Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Sciences,2,Introduction To Naval Architecture,1,Introduction To Sensors And Transducers,1,Introduction To Stochastic Models,1,Introduction to Sustainable Engineering,2,ise,1,IT,5,it03,1,IT201,2,IT202,2,it203,2,IT204,2,it231,1,it232,1,it234,1,it301,2,it302,2,it303,2,it304,2,it305,2,it306,2,it307,2,it331,1,it332,1,it333,1,it334,1,it341,1,it352,2,IT363,1,IT367,1,IT368,1,it401,2,it402,2,it403,2,it404,2,it405,2,it407,2,it409,2,it431,1,it451,1,IT462,1,IT465,1,it492,1,ITT202,1,ITT203,1,ITT205,1,ITT306,1,ITT312,1,ITT401,1,ITT413,1,ITT426,1,ITT446,1,job,1,Kerala Technological University Students Win CODE19,1,ketcon,2,Knowledge Engineering,1,kscste,4,KTU,8,ktu 2018 timetable,2,ktu btech minor,1,ktu fee,1,ktu fest,1,ktu results,1,ktu techfest,1,ktu updates,2025,ktu vc,1,ktu website,1,ktufest,1,kuncheria,1,kuncheria p isaac,1,lab,1,lab exam,1,laca,1,lecture notes,26,life skills,4,Linear Algebra & Calculus,1,Linear Algebra & Complex Analysis,1,Linear Algebra And Calculus,1,Linear Algebra And Complex Analysis,1,Linear Control Systems,2,Linear Integrated Circuits,2,LOGIC & DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM,1,Logic Circuit Design,1,Logic Circuit Design (AE,1,Logic for Computer Science,1,Logic System Design,1,logo,1,low internal,2,Low Power VLSI Design,1,ls,1,MA,1,ma 102,1,MA),1,ma101,4,ma102,4,ma201,5,MA202,4,MA204,2,ma206,2,Machine Learning,2,Machine Tools and Digital Manufacturing,1,Machine Tools And Metrology,1,Machine Tools Lab-I,1,Maintenance Engineering,1,Management For Engineers,1,Manufacturing Process,1,Manufacturing Technology (IE,1,map,1,mapping,1,Marketing Management,1,MAT101,2,MAT102,1,MAT201,1,MAT202,1,MAT203,1,MAT204,1,MAT206,1,MAT212,1,Material Handling & Facilities Planning,1,Material Science (EE),1,may exam,1,mba,2,MCN201,1,MCN202,1,MCN301,1,MCN401,1,ME,4,me100,3,ME200,1,ME201,2,me202,2,me203,2,me204,2,me205,2,me206,2,me210,2,ME220,2,me230,1,me231,1,me232,1,me301,2,me302,2,me303,2,me304,2,me305,2,me306,2,me308,2,me312,2,ME322,1,me331,1,me334,1,me341,1,me352,2,me36,1,ME363,1,ME366,1,ME367,1,ME368,1,ME369,1,ME372,1,ME373,1,ME376,1,me401,2,me402,2,me403,2,me404,2,me405,2,ME407,1,me407.me409,1,ME409,1,me431,1,me451,1,ME461,1,ME462,1,ME463,1,ME464,1,ME467,1,ME468,1,me46x,1,ME474,1,ME476,1,me47x,1,me492,1,Measurements And Instrumentation,2,Measurements And Instrumentation (EE),1,mech,1,mechanical,2,Mechanical (Automobile) Engineering,9,mechanical engineering,13,Mechanical Engineering Lab,1,Mechanical Production Engineering,9,Mechanics Of Fluids,1,Mechanics Of Fluids (ME),1,Mechanics of Machinery,1,Mechanics Of Solids,3,Mechanics Of Solids (AU,1,Mechatronics,10,Medical Image Processing,1,Medical Imaging Techniques,1,MEL202,1,MEL204,1,MEL411,1,MEMS,1,MET201,1,MET202,1,MET203,1,MET204,1,MET205,1,MET206,1,MET303,1,MET304,1,MET305,1,MET306,1,MET307,1,MET445,1,MET455,1,MET458,1,MET478,1,Metallurgical & Materials Engineering,9,Metallurgy & Material Science,1,Metallurgy And Materials Engineering,1,Metrology and Instrumentation,1,Micro and Nano Manufacturing,1,Microbiology,1,Microcontroller Lab,1,Microcontrollers & Applications,1,Microcontrollers And Embedded Systems,1,Microprocessor and Embedded Systems,1,Microprocessors & Microcontrollers,1,Microprocessors and Microcontrollers,3,Microwave & Radar Engg,1,Microwave Devices and Circuits,1,minor,1,Minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council held on 21.04.2020,1,missed internal,1,missed lab,1,Mixed Signal Circuit Design,1,Mobile Computing,3,money,1,MP,1,MRT305,1,MT,1,MT),1,Municipal Solid Waste Management,1,MUT204,1,name,1,NANOELECTRONICS,1,Nanotechnology,1,Natural Language Processing,1,Naval Architecture & Ship building,9,Network Analysis And Synthesis,1,Network Theory,2,New and Renewable Energy Systems,1,non departmental elective,1,Non-Destructive Testing,1,note,1,notes,28,notification,2056,Object Oriented Design and Programming,2,Object Oriented Programming,2,Object Oriented Programming Lab (In Java),1,Object Oriented Programming Using Java,1,Object Oriented Techniques (IT),1,oodp,1,Operating Systems,3,Operations Research,1,Optical Communication,1,OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION,1,Opto Electronic Devices,1,ORGANIC CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY,1,Organization and Architecture,1,param,1,Partial Differential Equation And Complex Analysis,1,PATTERN RECOGNITION,1,pdd,1,pdf,26,PDNM,1,PDTNM,1,PE,1,PH100,3,PHT100,2,PHT110,2,physics,1,PLC & Data Aquistion Systems,1,Polymer Engineering,9,Polymer Testing,1,POT401,1,Power Electronics,3,Power Electronics & Instrumentation,1,Power Generation,1,Power Plant Engineering,1,Power Quality,1,Power System Analysis,1,Power Systems I,1,Power Systems II,1,ppt,26,PRESTRESSED CONCRETE,1,Principles Of Biochemistry,2,Principles of Database Design,2,Principles of Information Security,1,Principles of Management,1,PRINCIPLES OF NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,1,Principles Of Object Oriented Techniques,1,printed notes,26,Probability,2,PROBABILITY & STATISTICS AND NUMERICAL METHODS (BT,1,Probability Distribution Transforms And Numerical Methods,1,Probability Distributions,2,Problem Solving Using Python,1,PROCESS CONTROL,1,PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER (CH),1,Production Engineering,9,Professional Communication,1,Professional Ethics,1,Programming In C,1,Programming Paradigms,1,project fund,1,project funding,1,proposal,1,Propulsion Engineering,1,Propulsion I,1,Propulsion II,1,publish,1,Python For Machine Learning,1,qp,2,Quality Engineering And Management,1,Quantity Surveying & Valuation,1,Quantity Surveying and Valuation,1,question paper,10,question papers,326,Random Processes And Numerical Methods,1,RAT203,1,RAT206,1,RAT281,1,Real Time Operating Systems,1,Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,1,refund,2,registration,1,Reinforced Soil Structures and Geosynthetics,1,Reinforcement Learning,1,Renewable Energy Engineering,1,resign,1,Resistance And Propulsion Of Ships,1,result,1,result analysis,1,Result of M.Tech S3(RS) Exam December 2019,1,result publication,1,result publication analysis,1,Result published - B.Arch S7 Dec 2019 Exam,1,Result published - B.Des S1 Dec 2019 Exam,1,Result published - B.Tech (PT) Dec 2019 exams,1,revaluation,3,Revaluation payment transactions only through desktop / laptop computers,1,revaluation refund,2,Robotics,1,Robotics & Automation,9,Robotics and Automation,1,rules,1,S ) Dec 2019 has been opened in the portal,1,s1,1,s2,1,s3,9,s4,10,s5,15,s6,15,s7,13,s8,15,Safety & Fire Engineering,9,sahrdaya,1,SBT201,1,SBT202,1,SCADA And Distributed Control System,1,score card,1,Seaport And Harbour Engineering,1,second year,1,Secure Communication,1,semester,1,semester 8,1,sept 2017,1,series,1,SF),1,sgpa,2,sgpa calculation,1,shavak,1,Signals And Systems,4,SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS (AE),1,slide,26,slot,2,Soft Computing,3,Software Architecture & Design Patterns,1,Software Engineering and Project Management,1,Software Testing,1,Solid State Devices,2,solved question papers,14,Special Electric Machines,2,Stability & Control,1,start up,1,startup,1,Statistics And Numerical Methods,1,stld,1,Structural Analysis – I,2,Structural Analysis II,1,Structural Analysis- III,1,Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Resistant Design,1,study materials,445,subject list,1,subjects,1,summer course,2,supplementary,1,Supply Chain and Logistics Management,1,surveying,1,Surveying & Geomatics,1,Sustainable Construction,1,Sustainable Engineering,1,Switched Mode Power Converters,1,Switching Theory And Logic Design,2,syllabus,28,Synchronous And Induction Machines,1,Synchronous And Induction Machines (EE),1,system,1,System Software,2,t3,2,techfest,3,tekon,2,The Revaluation and Answer Script copy request of B. tech S7 (R,1,Theory of Computation,2,Therapeutic Equipments,1,Thermal Engineering,1,Thermal Engineering (ME),1,Thermodynamics,1,third year,2,Thrissur cluster is published,1,time,1,time duration,1,timetable,6,timetable analysis,1,top 10,1,Town and Country Planning,1,Traffic Engineering & Management,1,Traffic Engineering and Management,1,Transforms and Numerical Methods,2,transition,1,Transmission and Protection,1,TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN PROCESSES,1,Transportation Engineering,1,Transportation Engineering -II,1,Transportation Engineering I,1,Transportation Planning,1,Tribology,1,TWO AND THREE WHEELERS,1,under,4,UNIX Shell Programming,1,upload,1,User Interface And User Experience Design,1,vc resign,1,Vector Calculus,1,VEHICLE MAINTENANCE,1,Vibration & Aeroelasticity,1,VLSI,1,Water Resources Engineering,1,ways,1,Web Application Development,1,Web Technologies,1,Webinar on Covid Testing: Story of MyLab Discovery Solutions,1,Webinar on Deep Learning Algorithm used in Automotive Software,1,Webinar on How AI is helping to build Intelligent Automotive Solutions?,1,Webinar on The Great Global Economic Paralysis: Retrospect and Prospects,1,website list,1,websitelist,1,Wind Tunnel Techniques,1,Wireless Communication,1,withhold,1,word,26,Work System Design Lab,1,workshop,1,write,1,year,1,year back,3,year out,1,yearback,1,yearout,2,
    KtuQbank: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) | KTU (2019 Batch)
    FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) | KTU (2019 Batch)
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